Stop Completing Paper Based Check Lists?

Without a “Pre Start Inspection Check” are you potentially exposed??
Is Your Business Compliant?
The Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 (HSWA) is New Zealand’s workplace health and safety law is in place.
WorkSafe states the employer or principal must have an inspection and maintenance programme in place.
To comply you or your employees must undertake a "Pre Start Inspection" when operating any type of vehicle or machinery and comply with most health and safety plans.

If you are currently completing "Pre Start Inspections" are you drowning in paper?
Why Use an App
The fact is if you are not able to demonstrate that all your vehicles and or machinery has had a prestart inspection before each use you are leaving yourself exposed.
In the event of an incident, this is crucial as trying to manufacture something after the fact will not work. The app is in real-time so you will be aware if a pre-start check has been completed live on the dashboard.
Agencies are now asking for pre-start and maintenance records for machinery involved in incidents in the workplace. Better to have this information recorded live at hand than not.
The ChecknGo App:
Is very affordable. If you have one machine or 100 the app can fit your business.
- Easy to Use
- Paperless
- Provides Real-time reporting
- Notification of any issues
- Less admin and completion time for operators
Easy Access With A QR Code
Point your phone at the QR code to get instant access to the vehicle /machine you need to complete a "Pre-Start Inspection" on.
Step through the pre-loaded questions, press submit and the record is instantly updates the dashboard in the office.
If there are any defects an email is sent to the designated office support person.

Getting Started
Once you have been sent a Company login the process is fast and simple.

Frequently Asked Questions
Does The App Work Offline?
No. Data is required on the device
Does The App Use A lot Of Data?
No. The app does require a data or wifi connection to operate but uses minimal data as it is only text being transferred.
Is it easy to use?
Yes very, if you can use a phone you can use the app.
How many vehicles can I have?
As many as you like. The app is changed on blocks of the number of vehicles you have listed.
How many users can I have?
You can register as many users as you need at no extra cost. To register they need your company code.
Do I have to sign in every day?
No. Once you are signed into the app on your mobile device you will remain signed in. Only if there is a major upgrade or you change your phone will you be required to sign in again.
What do I do if I forget my password?
If you open the app. Enter your email address used when you signed up and click the forgotten password button. Your password will be sent to that email address.
Is it live?
Yes. the data goes directly to the dashboard so can be viewed by the admin as soon as the confirm button is pushed by the App. user.
Can I delete data?
No. Inspections or vehicles cannot be deleted at any time so if there is an audit it will always be there. If you have a vehicle that is sold or not needed on the dashboard anymore then you can request for this data to be hidden from the dashboard but not deleted.
Can I backdate an inspection?
No! When an inspection is completed it is time/date stamped. There is no way of backdating any data.
Can I get the dashboard on my phone?
Yes you can. It is a bit different to use but is available on most mobile devices.
Am I able to create my own QR code?
The QR code is created by the system and QR code labels are printed by our admin. If you require a special QR code label for a vehicle please inquire.
Where is the data stored?
The data is cloud-based with Google. This is 100% safe. Backed up and looked after by Google.
Can I have a sign in for 2 companies?
Yes, but when you change from companies you have to close the app on your phone before signing into the other company.